Deviated Septum

Deviated Septum

Deviated Septum Treatment in Laredo, TX

Your nasal septum is that thin wall that you see in your nose that separates your nostrils. A deviated septum simply means that this wall is out of line and is blocking off a part of one of your nostrils. While this condition can happen during early fetal development, most cases are often due to some type of nasal trauma.

A deviated septum can cause difficulty breathing, an increased chance of nosebleeds, an awareness of the nasal cycle, or noisier sleep breathing. The severity of these symptoms range in each case, as it all depends on just how off-center the septum is.
Deviated Septum Laredo, TX


There are several treatment options that can help you to better handle your symptoms. Decongestants can be taken in either a pill or nasal spray form in order to decrease swelling in the nasal cavity. While antihistamines are used to help allergies, they can also reduce cold symptoms, which may be worsened in those with a deviated septum. 

While there are ways to reduce symptoms caused by a deviated septum, the only way to correct a deviated septum is through surgery.
Call Our Office
If you struggle with congestion, nosebleeds, or getting to sleep at night due to your nose, make an appointment with Dr. Erik Sloman-Moll, MD PA, our office is in Laredo, TX. We’ll take a look and see if you have this condition and what options work best for your case.
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